Forum Replies Created

  • Cheryl

    February 23, 2024 at 7:08 pm in reply to: Update plus recent issues….

    Absolutely endorse Frank Morrow on the Resmed/FX. I have bipap for the ineffective breathing and heart rate goes to 140 while oxygen goes to 70 and wake every few min without bipap. It took me 2hrs to get used to it, was so desperate for sleep. I use a headband from Dollartree as chin strap as cheaper. Also put the tubing at the top of pillow is you roll during night. Use it every night!! and if you need a nap!! Let us know how it goes in 2 wks.

  • Cheryl

    February 21, 2024 at 8:20 pm in reply to: Myasthenia gravis topics you would like discussions about

    Would like survey on how many people developed MG or got worsening after taking Levaquin or Cipro. Were you told of correlation? What antibodies did they find? Has it gotten better? Have you taken these antibiotics since getting MG?

  • Cheryl

    January 10, 2024 at 3:22 pm in reply to: Back Pain and weakness causes?

    YES! For years prior to getting Mestinon have had ascending back pain if stand very much longer than 5 min. Always started at LS joint and went upward til between shoulder blades and I couldn’t breathe until sit with elbows on knees for 20 min. Pulmonary function tests were falling. Started Mestinon and now after nearly 2 yrs on it can do all dishes, shop in Aldi, PFT has improved 20%. I just know to sit down when pain gets to bottom of ribs. Legs go noodley as this starts so use cane at all times.

    My ego has been crushed when reed thin 84 yo men help me lift stuff or very old women mutter, shake their heads when I use a mobility cart at 66. Really wish MG gave us purple skin so people would understand. A store greeter lectured me on living my best life no matter what little minds might think as she had seen my variable abilities over years.

  • Cheryl

    January 10, 2024 at 3:06 pm in reply to: Any Tips for managing diarrhea from Pyridostigmine

    I also had diarrhea up to 6 times a day after starting Mestinon 60mg 3x/day. Neuro acted like this was an anomaly, sent me to gastro who wanted to do colonoscopy and biopsy but admitted it could be Mestinon. Switched to 180mg every 12 hrs. I increased uncooked oatmeal mixed with Kefir, eliminated red meat and pasta.Then decided to try limited feeding time to 4 hrs which resulted in good weight loss and reduction to 1-2 well formed. It took a year to get to this point but also have quadrupled how far I can walk,no longer get so breathless have to lay down for bipap breaks, can do better taking care of house, brain fog lifted but blurry vision if don’t wear sunglasses or try to read long.

    As someone else said, have urinary incontinence with urge, stress and seems like a urinary retention the rest of the time. Again neuro said this doesn’t happen. From the support group I find this is common. Thank goodness Meijer puts pads on sale often.

    As a side note, I am triple sero neg but can’t get testing repeated to see if it changed, despite the lived experience of support group as neuro says that doesn’t happen in MG but does in other autoimmune diseases.

    So just seek to have balance diet, add fermented foods, eliminate alcohol, manage stress in all forms, keep a detailed daily journal while things aren’t great so you can track subtle changes.

    Good luck

  • Cheryl

    November 8, 2023 at 3:57 pm in reply to: Your most significant concern with having Myasthenia gravis?

    Like Greg finances for the future are of concern. Being sero neg and therefore not having MG per neuro( he also disputes 3 pathologists about IBM or PM as only he can diagnose) who concedes that mestinon helps me greatly but it helps a lot of people!!!????! Am a bit worried if suddenly can’t have that covered as is only way I can be independent. Paranoia has made me cut spending down again as it was before got SSDI…$600/mo. Grateful to own my home and son lent me a van. Instead of hiring things out am doing them myself, glacially slow and with difficulty but each thing done helps me not feel as defeated most days. Am ambivalent as some people get treatments that make them so very functional and mestinon just gets me off the start line but I would be devastated going from what I used to be to this again and yet the thought of the rest of my life just being a sad,scared, weak, dizzy, weak existence is unacceptable. So I am stuck between living safe, small life or try to be more as I was and make a colossal fool of myself as I fail. So many thoughts with many sides in this head. Will now go try to put a bike rake together in hopes that soon will ride it… end result unclear.

  • Cheryl

    November 1, 2023 at 4:08 pm in reply to: Fasting and Myasthenia

    I have been doing intermittent fasting where I give myself 4 hrs a day to eat then can only have tea/water. Typically is 11-1500 during which I choose good protein, lots of veg, mod amt dairy but not a great quantity and in no rush. This is when Mestinon is strongest and can choose to do things before this time and still be able to eat. Also has helped lose weight, cut grocery costs and more likely to keep kitchen clean as later in the day standing is harder. Still feel tired and blah after eating but only having one such time a day is more livable than frequent meals.

  • Cheryl

    August 25, 2023 at 8:59 am in reply to: exercising with MG

    When people say exercise, to me it means above activities of daily living. For me it was exhausting activity to get showered, dressed or fix a simple meal for years and walking 75 ft took me to tears. I tried PT but was chided for only managing 3-5 reps which then wiped me out for days being in same clothes, unable to brush hair or 58! Being sero negative, was told to go to assisted living and sign DNR, get will updated.

    My Swedish genes and nursing knowlege screamed. Demanded mestinon trial. I decided to focus on walking and getting up and down from chairs,lifting weights of groceries, dog food increasing the weights and frequency. Had to bring dog food into house from car by bucket, groceries just perishables came in first day. Now 2 yrs later can walk 750 ft daily without tears, bring in half bag of dog food in garden tote, take a shower washing hair shoulder length hair and comb it out, fix a meal. Still have to rest often but I am now LIVING.

    Thing is everyday living is exercise and in my opinion should be our focus. At no point did any professional seek to understand that making living safely at home was the goal, not doing a checklist of reps that left rug dusty, trash in house, dogs unwalked, hair cut very short so styling doesn’t matter.

    Just my thoughts


  • Cheryl

    August 17, 2023 at 7:01 pm in reply to: Have you asked yourself in regards to MG, “Why me?”

    Not sure I ask why me but “what now?”

    I have struggled with being disabled and unable to work, declining fast and deep, using up saving for years before SSDI, being given diagnosis to be taken away, given placation, insults… then Covid made it all worse. The tension with adult son and fear that I was dying and not knowing what now…the relationship ended abruptly3 mos before finally got SSDI,2 mos after long covid eased just slightly,5 mos before getting Mestinon. Life could be divided into pre and post mestinon though he still isn’t convinced MG , says lot of diseases respond to Mestinon and being sero neg, SFMG neg ( done by MD who said it would be neg before even did it). While a lot of things have gotten some better, still barely able to cope day to day.

    86 yo friend is now having to go into skilled care having been really horribly neglected by her daughter. Not sure how to plan the next bad thing, not sure which will be the step too far.

  • Cheryl

    August 17, 2023 at 6:43 pm in reply to: Describe Your Journey With MG in 3 Words

    Didn’t plan this.

  • Cheryl

    August 17, 2023 at 6:40 pm in reply to: Are You Ready for a Natural Disaster?

    Hi, very wise to be thinking ahead. Was RN and was prepared for disaster while able bodied and thought I was OK until derecho hit 6/29 and power went out for 2.5 days. Knew not to open freezers at all, open fridge very briefly and not put anything warm in, had battery booster for cell phone, had camping water carrier but water was ok, battery radio, gas stove, get the mestinon quarterly, have candles in lanterns, waterproof matches. I knew not to leave the house till any downed lines were cleared. Disaster training after Katrina was helpful.

    I didn’t count on the need for bipap not being met as grid had been so stable here the previous 11yrs. First night wasn’t bad but second night had real trouble breathing, esp since no AC and a bit warm, when called around trying to find place to cool and get power found that no county/city action for people.

    When the power came on found the neighboring county initiated cooling/charging centers immediately only needed to drive 45 mi. I really needed a breathing break and was starting to decompensate and couldn’t get help in my own community.

    Since then have been raising hell to get better community disaster plan. Have considered a Jackery powersource but the cost for something that may not happen for another decade…

    I would recommend looking at your county disaster plan, talking to your public health dept for information that might help in event of emergency.


  • Cheryl

    March 1, 2024 at 4:06 pm in reply to: Update plus recent issues….

    Sounds like you are going through the meat grinder.

    Keep going with cpap and reduce fluids 4 hrs before going to bed. Once you start getting a good block of sleep the peeing eases up… don’t have a prostate so results might vary but the value of good breathing at night is incredible and fixed a lot for me. Also have audible on the phone, when feels like can’t go to sleep put on the same dang book, the voice, the story knocks me out faster than the philosophy class I took in my 20’s. Hang in there.

  • Cheryl

    August 25, 2023 at 8:22 am in reply to: Aging from a Chronic Illness Perspective

    I am with you Maria. When I had to stop nursing at 58 for blurred vision,proximal weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath. I was told it was aging because seronegative for MG,labs all over the place and with 2 muscle biopsies they couldn’t be definitively identified. Five years elapsed with multiple horrible interactions most ending with being told since they couldn’t diagnose, they wouldn’t treat and besides its probably menopause, aging or inactivity!! Now 66, still an enigma being triple sero neg but responding strongly to mestinon, living on SSDI,scared about what real aging issues with look like, grieving what I thought my life would be in my 60’s.
