
Too Much Pyridostigmine May Increase Overactive Bladder Issues

High pyridostigmine doses cause overactive bladder issues in people with myasthenia gravis (MG), according to a recent study. Because of this, doctors should take patients’ bladder-related discomfort into account when deciding treatment regimens, and consider prescribing lower pyridostigmine doses or alternative therapies. The study, “Overactive…

MG May Mimic Stroke Symptoms, Case Report Suggests

Myasthenia gravis (MG) can mimic the symptoms of a stroke and should not be ruled out even in younger patients, a recent medical case report suggests. The report, “Myasthenia gravis masquerading as acute stroke: a case report,” was published in the PanAfrican Medical Journal. MG…

Disease Crisis Linked to Distinct Pro-inflammatory Immune Changes

Myasthenia gravis (MG) crisis, the disease’s most severe state, is associated with pronounced pro-inflammatory cellular and molecular changes, a recent study shows. Notably, several pro-inflammatory immune cells and molecules were found to be associated with symptom severity, adding to previous data showing a link between certain pro-inflammatory cells…