
Rare Disease Day Panel Opens Window to Patient Experience

Bionews, the publisher of this website, hosted a virtual panel discussion on Rare Disease Day 2022, taking a deeper dive into what it’s like to live with a rare disease, including conversations about advocacy, mental health, survivor’s guilt, treatment of minority patients, and more. The Monday event, “A Window…

Q&A With RARE-X Disease Data Platform Founder, Nicole Boice

The nonprofit RARE-X is creating an easily-accessible, centralized data hub for all rare disease patient data that can help researchers answer questions about existing disorders, discover new ones, and work toward finding treatments. It was spun out of the work that Nicole Boice, founder and chief engagement officer of…

Antibody Blood Tests May Help Monitor Long-term Clinical Status

Lower levels of antibodies targeting acetylcholine receptors in the bloodstream of people with myasthenia gravis (MG) were associated with improved clinical status, a study demonstrated. These findings showed not only that antibody blood tests are useful for diagnosing MG, but also that repetitive testing may be “valuable as a…