
My Favorite Film Teaches Me to Choose Kindness

Last weekend, I watched the movie “Wonder” again — for probably about the fifth time. The first day it was released in South Africa, I sat in the cinema crying my eyes out. Since then, I have watched it whenever I have spotted it showing on the television, as…

Chemotherapy Is Not Just for Cancer

“I’m going in for chemotherapy.” That was my response when people inquired about my treatment plan. “But you don’t have cancer.” That was the reply I got from most of them. “So it can’t be that bad. I mean, it can’t be real chemo, can it?” How do you determine…

The Changes I Made to Accommodate MG in My Life

A diagnosis of MG inevitably leads to several adaptations in daily life. These adaptations, in turn, result in functioning that is closer to normal. They also ensure a distance is created, prompted by the difference between my peers and me. The difference easiest to hide is a changing diet.

I’m Accepting How MG Has Changed My Body

Being diagnosed with myasthenia gravis (MG) is a heavy burden to bear. In the years following my diagnosis, my medication dosages increased and I gained weight. I find it difficult to compare the literal and figurative weight of this disease. As a woman in her 20s, the weight gain was…

I Discovered the Magic of Having a Port

Last year, I had a port fitted. This is a small medical device placed under the skin just under the collarbone. It allows for drips to be set up without nurses having to dig around for a vein. It also frees up my hands and allows me to easily…

Whatever the Weather, I Am Equipped

Scientific literature clearly establishes that weather, particularly temperature, can influence the severity of myasthenia gravis symptoms. Cold weather is infamous for being worse for pain and hot weather results in reduced muscle strength. Living in Africa, hot weather is no scarcity. This means that I dread the coming of…