
Reassessing What’s Important After Relapse

I have started this column many times, but I have had trouble putting my emotions into words. I am trying to digest and cope with how my body is slowly failing me, and I don’t know how I feel about it. If you have been following me, you know that…

The Importance of Looking After Your Gut Health

On Saturday, I attended an autoimmune disease seminar, where I listened to speakers talk about the importance of good gut health and how it affects the entire body. Experts told the audience that the microvilli in the digestive system are important for gut health, and we need the good…

Supporting a Friend with a Rare Disease

It can be difficult being friends with someone who is chronically ill. They often have to cancel on you, or they might be exhausted at the start of an event and practically have to be carried out at the end. You may not know what to say to them…

Why This Year’s Birthday Is Extra Special

It is my birthday this month, and I could not be more excited. I am one of those people who cannot sleep the night before their birthday and will wake up excitedly at 4 a.m. I do dread the thought of being sung to — because I never quite know…