
When Help Is Delayed

The diagnostic process and the journey to correct a disease by effective treatment can seem linear on paper. The reality rarely matches up. In that reality, many with myasthenia gravis become aquatinted with emotional and mental fatigue, the uncertainty of where to place trust, and the weariness of…

The Joy of Being Alive

Like most chronically ill people, I often get the line, “I don’t know how you do it.” To be completely honest, nor do I. I just do exactly as healthy people do. I wake up, get up, survive, and go to bed. On some days, I have an emotional breakdown in…

Finding the Right Doctor Is Key to Good Long-term Care

Choosing your healthcare provider can be as important and daunting a challenge as finding your life partner. You need someone who will advocate for you and who has your best interests at heart. You need someone who is passionate about what they do and who wants to make a difference.

5 Ways to Brighten a Hospital Admission

Hospital visits that end up going less than smoothly either make or break your spirit. Physical strength comes and goes in the lives of the chronically ill, but it’s our emotional toughness that gives us that mind-boggling endurance no healthy person can seem to comprehend. It is almost like a…

My Animals Are More than Pets

My husband and I have a cat and two dogs because I believe no home is complete without pets to love. Our animals sleep in our bed and come along on family trips — they are our “fur-children.” As my health has declined, I’ve come to see these pets as…

The Waiting Room

Life is filled with the impatient burden of waiting as we eagerly look toward important milestones, big events, and even the outcomes of the unexpected — both good and bad. And while we can be restless as we keep our eyes on the horizon, these measured moments of waiting…

I Shouldn’t Be Shamed for Using Disabled Parking

Myasthenics adjusting to reduced physical abilities must make lifestyle adaptations. To ensure the continuation of my tertiary studies, I’ve acquired disabled parking on campus. Applying for the placard dented my pride. I struggled for months before finally admitting to needing disabled parking. I could no longer walk the distance from…

The Lost Stem Cell Transplant Hope

What do you do when told there is a treatment that could put you into remission, but your health insurance denies it because there “isn’t enough clinical evidence”? There will never be enough clinical evidence for my rare disease because there are not enough people affected by the condition to make…