
Just Imagine What This Disease Is Like

You never imagine that your life could change in an instant. You never imagine that your “normality” can get turned upside down and spun around like it’s been let loose in a washing machine. You never imagine that you will be told by doctors that they don’t know what more…

Using Humor in the Battle Against Myasthenia Gravis

There are not many perks to living with myasthenia gravis, especially since it can be difficult for others to understand the fatigability and variation in our symptoms. However, there are also not many things that do not benefit from a having a good sense of humor. The symptoms of…

People React to the Reality You Present

There are few things as complicated and challenging as interpersonal relationships. The older I get, the more difficult it is to stay in touch with those I once considered to be friends. Supporting someone with a chronic illness will never be an easy task, just as living with one is…

In Sickness and in Health

Falling in love is never quite as graceful as they make it out to be in the movies. In reality, things tend to get awkward, uncomfortable, and sometimes downright confusing. When you add chronic illness to the mix, dating just seems to get additionally complicated. I met my boyfriend a…

The Value of Our Time

When you have come to survive a few brushes with death, nothing becomes more evident than the value of your time. To most people, the 24 hours in a day just are not enough. Chronically ill people are forced to be both full-time patients and full-time functioning human beings, meaning…

The Side Effects of Prednisone I Was Never Told About

When you take numerous medications a few times per day, you learn to understand that these medications may have side effects. Luckily, you are usually able to anticipate these side effects’ arrival, thanks to an educational pamphlet accompanying your box of pills or an informative Google search session. Prednisone…

Ride the Life You’re Given with Joy

I have often felt that despite not having a terminal illness, I was in a certain way born to die. I also believe this is the reason I am able to live a happier life than most of my healthy peers. I know how important it is to appreciate…

Strength in a Time of Weakness

Weakness is not something most people are extremely open about. We tend to hide any sign of weakness or imperfection from the public eye. We choose to keep weaknesses personal — unless you become chronically ill, especially with a disease notorious for causing extreme muscle weakness. That tiny bit of…