
  • Evusheld

    Posted by BBernadette on August 24, 2022 at 7:44 pm

    Has anyone had the Evusheld injections?  My understanding is that it is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies to prevent the COVID 19 infection.  It is experimental and is recommended for those who are moderately to severely immunocompromised.

    Marguerite Thibeau replied 1 year, 10 months ago 11 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Sharon Haw

    August 26, 2022 at 3:15 pm

    I’d be interesting in hearing about anyone’s experience with Evusheld as well and if they had it after having had Covid or before.

  • Lisa Blutman

    August 26, 2022 at 7:16 pm

    I had evusheld on recommendation fromy neurologist and primary car when I participated in a study and found I produced no antibodies from the Covid vaccines.  I take celcept and mestinon to manage my mg and am considered stable.  No reactions were observed or felt.  My next dose is November.  You get it every six months.  I follow up with the Covid vaccines also.

  • Charles Karcher

    August 26, 2022 at 7:21 pm

    I just had my yearly Medicare Wellness appointment with my primary care doctor.  We discussed Evusheld.  He had never heard of it.  The government(FDA) has done a poor job promoting Evusheld when a primary care physician has never heard of it.  For now we decided not to utilize it as the new bivalent booster should be approved in a few weeks.  He promised to look into Evusheld more completely.

  • Douglas F Young

    August 26, 2022 at 7:36 pm

    I had the 2 initial shots, then 2 more after the dosing was reconsidered.  (The dosage consists of 2 separate shots, one in each cheek)

    Zero side effects.

  • Dan R

    August 26, 2022 at 10:00 pm

    Got the initial shots earlier this week. Several doctors recommended it. Zero side effects.

  • Susann

    August 27, 2022 at 2:52 am

    I have 11 autoimmune diseases which are all severe and have never been in remission. I also have a rare inherited immune deficiency called CVID -Common Variable Immune deficiency.

    I am also on three immune suppressants. So my immune system is shot. I had severe reactions to the second and third vaccines so instead of getting another booster one of my docs suggested EvuShield. I am a doctor as well and had read several papers on EvuShield. It is two monoclonal antibodies and approved by the FDA to be given every six months to immunocompromised patients. I usually don’t tolerate things well but I had no side effects what do ever. The nurse stays for an hour to observe you for cardiac issues. I have high cholesterol diabetes high blood pressure have had one heart attack and have Afib and have a rare form of endocarditis from my lupus. I tolerated it great. No symptoms at all and no cardiac issues

  • Marvin Yudenfreund

    August 28, 2022 at 12:01 am

    I strongly recommend Evusheld for those gMG patients who are immune-compromised.  Even though it’s been a while since my last Retuximab infusion, I got my first Evusheld “butt-shot” in March, and I am scheduling another one at the 6 month interval in September.  No side effects, and NO COVID!

  • Sharon Haw

    September 16, 2022 at 4:33 pm

    Very mild fatigue for a couple of hours after the Evusheld shots but no other reactions. Not even sore at the injection sites. I had to wait 14 days after my Covid symptoms were gone to get the shot. I got Covid just as I was due for my next booster (5 months) but Paxlovid (antiviral pills) really helped. I can’t get my vaccine booster until 14 days after the Evusheld shots.

  • Barbara E.

    September 16, 2022 at 9:18 pm

    I received Evusheld injections in both February 2022 and March 2022. The order for a 2nd round was surprising, but my immune doctor felt that the initial injections wouldn’t stimulate my immune system sufficiently.

    In both rounds, the prescription was electronically sent by my doctor to 1 of the 2 pharmacies in my area that could give Evusheld injections. The pharmacy called me to schedule my appointment.

    Upon arrival, I was given the required COVID-19 15-minute test to ensure that I wasn’t currently ill. Once cleared, I was given 2 injections to divide the dosage. My initial surprise was that the injection wasn’t given in my arm! After injections, you must wait 30 minutes in case of any reaction. I waited in my car and a staff member came out to check on me every 15 minutes. I had no discomfort or reaction and was allowed to go home.

    The total time was about 1.5 hours from paperwork to the end. I was very glad that I was able to get Evusheld injection because of my weakened Ed immune system and I’ll do it again, if advised!!

  • Dave Haw

    September 16, 2022 at 9:19 pm

    I received the 2 rear injections on 9/8 with minimal impacts. No irritation or soreness. I’m on pyridostigmine ER 180mg 1x daily and 1000 mg Mycophenolate 2x daily.  I’ve had 3 Moderna shots & 1 Pfizer shot. My family works in health care and had a couple of exposures but no covid19. I’ve always masked and avoided potential exposure situations. My neuro recommends not getting the bivalent booster for 6-8 weeks after my Evusheld injections.

    1. Stay safe… I’ll update any changes.
  • Marguerite Thibeau

    September 19, 2022 at 1:46 am

    I received the 2 different monoclonal antibody drugs (MAB) in March. I started to get a slight headache, then realized I wasn’t hydrated. Because I had to drive over an hour to get it, I had avoided drinking. So I drank water and the headache left. I will be getting next dose in October. I don’t tolerate vaccines. I suspect it’s the base/preservatives. I wish I could take them, especially with the new ones coming for Covid.

    My doctor had said only one MAB drug could be taken, so having been on a MAB I wasn’t sure if she would prescribe another. I’m on Vyvgart and want to add a MAB for Osteoporosis and one for psoriasis, but still trying to find out if that’s OK. I’ve heard from others that are on 4-5 MABs with no problem.

  • Bill Johnson

    September 22, 2022 at 2:11 pm

    I am receiving rituximab infusions every 6 months, so I have no B-cells and therefore, create no antibodies.  As such, my immunologist recommends Evusheld.  I received my first series (300 mg. tixagevimab & 300 mg. cilavimab) of IM shots in mid-March 2022.   I don’t recall having any appreciable side effects.  Unfortunately, I got COVID in mid-May.  I was able to get Paxlovid quickly, so my symptoms were that of a week-long cold (runny nose, occasional cough, etc.).

    I am due for my next dose now (September).  I am trying to find a clinic that administers Evusheld near my home, but that is proving very difficult.  The FDA/HHS website is out of date (www.covid.gov).  Furthermore, I have learned that my insurance (UHC) does not cover Evusheld (since it is EUA).  I may be relegated to go to a “wellness spa” that provides apothecary and anti-aging IV hydration costing me $250 out-of-pocket.  Sounds rather “fly by night” to me, but it may be my only option.  Very frustrating.  Will post updates.

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