Forum Replies Created

  • Winston D Roden

    September 15, 2023 at 2:09 pm in reply to: Your Myasthenia gravis symptom that responds least to treatment

    It is hard to decide. Weakness or double vision. I guess I would put ocular problems on the top because they cause weakness if I push my eyes too hard. And the double-vision is present all the time. I feel that I am looking cross-eyed at everything and can only get relief when I block out one eye. The weakness hits when I am least prepared for it.

  • I developed double vision in early 2019.  I was lucky in that it took only three trips to medical people to get a diagnosis.  My optometrist sent me to a Glaucoma specialist and I never even got past registration before they know I was at the wrong place and sent me to NeruoOpthamologist in the same business, different location.  She recognized it, first case she had, in just a few minutes and prescribed Mestinon.  After that failed to give good results she sent to a neurologist and who treated me until she moved across country and sent me a neurologist in UAMS, Little Rock, AR.  In the early period I did as much online research as I could and quizzed the doctors, both of who responded to my questions.  I already had cataracts and have been wearing prescription lenses for years.  I would block out one eye so I could see more clearly but of course I did not have any depth perception.  The Neuro said do not block the same eye all the time, so I swapped between two pair of glasses.  Finally lost one pair so now I use the one for my master eye.  I am able to go some, a little more than earlier in my treatments, times without either eye blocked.  I prefer to paint a lenses in a pair of glasses and remove the lens so I have peripheral vision.  If the vision does not overlap between the eyes, I do a bit better.

    When I first started I was more sensitive than those people around me to the blocked out eye.  However I have a friend who lost vision in one of his eyes and has been wearing a blocked lenses for years so I figured if he could do it, I could.

  • Winston D Roden

    April 19, 2023 at 7:55 pm in reply to: Living With An Implanted Port

    My port has been a blessings.  When I first started getting IVIG it was relatively simple, but then I started having difficulty.  Hard to stick, vein blowing out, having to move it during the infusion and so on.  Then one day in Infusion RN asked if I had considered a port.  A call to the doctor, a trip to the hospital for the implant, which I stayed awake during, and have never looked back since.  I say again, it has been a blessing.


  • Winston D Roden

    June 27, 2022 at 7:38 pm in reply to: Port to Help Ease Myasthenia Gravis Treatments

    A simple statement: I agree a port is the way to go.  After some time my veins were failing and a nurse mentioned a port.  I have never regretted it.


  • Winston D Roden

    June 2, 2022 at 5:57 pm in reply to: Advice for Stomach Issues Caused by Meds?

    Yes, my meds have caused GI issues.  I have eaten many crackers which seem to give some relief.


  • Winston D Roden

    May 19, 2022 at 9:09 pm in reply to: Poliomyelitis and MG

    I was diagnosed with Mg in 2019.  I too had a mild case of Polio in the mid 1950’s around ten years of age.  A first cousin I was in close contact with was hospitalized, but the Doctors said they were trying to keep from have two in the family hospitalized at the same time. I have had problems with pain in my legs ever since.  My MG has certainly weakened me and changed my life.