Friendships Can Be Complicated as an Introvert With Myasthenia Gravis
Are you an introvert? Has MG added another complexity to your social life?
My column published today discusses how I have been teaching myself to cope with the emotions of being an introvert with many extroverted friends.
Social media doesn’t make life as a shy or anxious individual any less of a hassle. Healthy friendships may be emotionally draining for an introvert if the other person is busier. Social networks further complicate the dynamics of the relationship and can spark or emphasize feelings of comparison, jealousy, and self-judgment.
Our friends are not responsible for our emptiness, nor should we rely on others to satisfy every aspect of our lives. Animals, places, and things can all bring joy in diverse ways in case one falls through.
If you’ve battled with feeling lonely even with friends, how have you learned to cope best?
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