• Cannabis and Alcohol

    Posted by MikeS on September 1, 2022 at 1:39 am

    I’ve smoked (and now vape) cannabis for many years. It has been a terrific stress-reducer, as I have life-long clinical anxiety. After my first MG episode 2.5 years ago, I’ve learned that I need to avoid cannabis during any MG flare-up because it definitely amplifies the MG symptoms. I also drink beer (1 or 2) as an alternative to cannabis and the same thing happens (MG flare-ups worsen). This makes me very sad. I can take Xanax but at my age the risks of developing Alzheimer’s is greatly increased by this drug, so I use it sparingly.
    I was wondering if anyone else has noticed negative effects of cannabis and mild alcohol on their flare-ups and what they have found that might be a good substitute for mitigating anxiety during flare-ups. Also, has anyone come across articles or research about these subjects?

    Delia Hernandez replied 1 year, 2 months ago 9 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • David S

    September 1, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    I am an alcoholic so I can not give input about that.  Been sober for 20 years in Dec.

    I have used THC in a variety of forms since gMG came into my life and find that small amounts daily Brighten up my attitude and allows me to do more.  I have not found it to exacerbate my gMG condition.  I use a small amount late in the afternoon.




    I have discussed my minimal usage with my PCP and Neuro.  They neither promote or discourage my usage.  they both state that the use does not conflict with my gMG medication.


    • John Palatucci

      September 2, 2022 at 8:24 pm

      This is good to hear, i need the afternoon zing. Ive done werd and stuff 60 years ago probably quit in late 70s. Im 83 now and other than MG, arthritis and COPD im good to go a few more years anyway.

  • Jul

    September 2, 2022 at 7:49 pm

    When I was taking mestinon for my MG (prior to a successful thymectomy) I did also notice that alcohol made symptoms worse. I just tried to avoid it or drink less socially when I did. I’m not sure about other substitutes, but I wonder if less use at once or small doses frequently of THC would still trigger. The only other “solution” I could think of maybe is working with a professional to learn meditation or another mindful skill to help with the anxiety when it comes.

  • Dan R

    September 2, 2022 at 8:08 pm

    Like David, I have found that a small amount of cannabis in the late afternoons can help my MG symptoms. I usually take about 2.5mg of an edible (1/4 of a gummy) per day.

  • Maureen Gosz

    September 2, 2022 at 8:16 pm

    I take the cbd gummies or the delta 8 chocolate bar. Only in the evening though. It helps take the pain away in my legs and sleep a little better. I’ll drink a wine in the evening occasionally, but I usually add white soda to it. My doctors haven’t said anything about my use of it.

  • John Palatucci

    September 2, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    I have wondering and considering gummies for pain of arthritis and bad knees and back.i haven’t spoke to my neurologist about it yet because as of yesterday he wants me to start Ultomiris in a few weeks. Has anyone been on Ultomiris? The side effects of meningitis troubles me. I was diagnosed with gMG in 2015 and have been on mestinon, imuran Prednisone since. Thank you in advance

  • Maureen Gosz

    September 3, 2022 at 1:56 pm

    My husband and I both use a cbd roll on. The place we go to has 500 mg. or 1500 mg. It’s amazing. I have severe pain in my neck, and my husband has a bad back. It’s amazing! It works throughout the day, no side effects, and we take the gummies at night. My husband’s back was so bad, it would drop him to his knees. He did go to a chiropractor and has disc degeneration. After using the cbd gel and gummies, he hasn’t had any problems in years. Granted he pays close attention to what he does, but what a godsend! My neck gets so bad at times, and the gel is amazing. Even with coughing spells that I get, my ribs & chest get so sore, I put the gel on.

    • John Palatucci

      September 7, 2022 at 7:29 pm

      This sounds like it would help me as I also have bad back and knees and of course surgery has been recommended which i refuse to do any. Im 83 in a couple weeks and do not want to deal with gone bad surgeries of which i have heard of many. Therefore I will opt to try the CBD gel. Thank you for sharing.

  • David S

    September 4, 2022 at 11:51 pm

    I have tried CBD alone and I feel no difference.

  • Maureen Gosz

    September 7, 2022 at 7:57 pm

    To John P.
    Good luck! I hope it works for you!

  • Joe B

    September 9, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    I have been a regular pot smoker for 25 years.  Have had MG for 1 year (Covid Shot).  After feeling like I had my symptoms managable for 9 month I am currently experiencing a severe exacerbation.  Barely able walk, chew, type, brush teeth, etc.  I was also having major breathing difficulties.  I stopped smoking the weed and have noticed a big difference. Alcohol has been a no go since onset last year.


    I recently tried magic mushrooms on multiple occasions which actually relieve my symptoms for those few hours.  It’s been a nice escape but you can only do then so often, as it’s a little more of a commitment than a quick toke.  But seriously I think there is something there with the Physicybin and opening new neurons.


  • Jane

    September 9, 2022 at 11:12 pm

    I was diagnosed in .2014 with MG   I am insomniac and have been using Cannabis for sleep and helps with anxiety for many years. To date no repercussions.   Sorry you have.

  • Maureen Gosz

    September 11, 2022 at 4:38 pm

    My husband and I have told people we know about the gummies & gel, but there is such a stygma about using it. Alot of people think that taking 1 gummy is going to do it for them. You have to be consistent and take them every day. We have been using for years now. My husband, with such a bad back, takes 2 every night. I take 3 every night, and we have been doing this for years. You also have to experiment, if one doesn’t seem to do it, then move up to 2, ect.

  • Delia Hernandez

    May 23, 2023 at 8:20 am

    I have tried a nice selection of Delta 8 products. While the taste is great, for me, the most important aspect is that they aid in relieving daily pain caused by fibromyalgia and arthritis (I’m over 50). I take half a gummy if I need to go out and about, but in the evenings, I take a whole one to help me sleep through the night.

  • Delia Hernandez

    May 31, 2023 at 8:21 am

    I can`t lie, I try gummies from several manufactures trying to reach some sort of resolution of Chronic Pain.
    Yea I know everyone has it and others have it worse, so if you have it you know how much it sucks! I know pain along with the others who are trying to find a little relief from anything at all

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