Nature Restores the Energy That Myasthenia Gravis Depletes

Birds twitter. Tall grasses dance in the wind. Alligators stare intently from the far bank of the creek.
I’m in a corner of the earth that helps me escape from all the worries on my mind. My phone stays silent and out of sight, and I carry with me only a book, or a journal and a pen. Except for children passing me on the trail, or an occasional biker, I’m all alone.
When I’m immersed in nature, I can forget how difficult it is to get up in the morning, still not feeling rested. My legs cramp all night, and my body aches constantly, except for the few times I’m able to fall asleep. I never know whether my symptoms are side effects of myasthenia gravis (MG) or the medications I take.
It’s a feat to talk myself out of bed each morning and start boiling the water for my coffee. An even bigger feat is managing to get out of the house to devote time to myself in the unbuilt landscape, where I don’t feel like I’m being judged because of the limitations my disease puts on me.
I have felt recently that I don’t have enough spoons — or energy — to fulfill even the minimum tasks needed for subsistence. The spoon theory was developed as a way of thinking about how to meet goals when you live with chronic pain that saps your energy. For me, one duty completed on my to-do list means most other responsibilities likely remain unfinished.
I have been dedicating all my energy to meeting my goals. I do this out of a sense of guilt that I’m not being as productive as I should be. I also tend to think that the only way I will ever be able to accomplish my goals is to throw all my spoons at them at once. But then I end up with no energy for anything else — even enjoying myself or walking in nature.
I’m realizing that my strength and energy levels are less important than striking a balance between meeting my goals and enjoying myself. I know I can find the strength — it’s really just a matter of prioritizing my time.
Noticing how much energy MG grants me each day, and being intentional about how I use it, can prevent me from feeling burned out. I have underestimated the benefit of escaping into nature. It doesn’t deplete my energy, but restores it, leaving me feeling renewed. And it’s good for my personal improvement and intellectual enrichment.
Leave the dishes, work, laundry, and grocery shopping for later — without feeling guilty. With MG, working until we are burned out only means it will take longer to recover, leaving us with no energy for anything else. I am learning to set some spoons aside to get outside for a walk, stick my nose in a book, or watch the sunset. We all should.
Doing these things will help me reach my goals in better shape than working myself to exhaustion would. And I hope to enjoy myself along the way.
Myasthenia Gravis News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
Ann S Herzog
Thanks for sharing and caring. Sorry that it hit you so young, but at least there are more advances in the treatment of the disease.
Ann S. Herzog RN,SCM
Robert Richardson
Thanks for the insight. It`s like learning a shortcut in helping me to understand my own, often confusing, strength and energy issues.
Tom Clark
I read and enjoy almost all of your posts I must say almost because I have missed some and don't want'ta lie to you. This MG site is something we have needed to understand more about what we go through. Thanks
I wish I could keep my passwords fixed and in order. Could not sign on without proof and found it is no worse AMG than BMG I was dumber than a hoe handle BMG and now I have double the handles to view and double the password letters. Can we say diplopia?
Gary L Stephens
I will hit 72 next week. MG came on me 4 years ago. Between the double vision and the side effects of the meds it was rough. Right now, I am in remission or something like that. The side effects of the Mestonon were tough, especially the diarrhea. I moved the morning pill to noon to help with the side effects of the pills and combined them with food. My problem was that I would forget to take the pill at noon. One day I discovered that I had not taken a pill for 3 days but had no double vision. I am now 5 weeks without taking a pill!!!!!!! Still fill the effects on my vision late in the day but it goes away. Hope that everyone can have the same results.