
MG Distracts Me From Healing From Trauma

Trauma can result from scary, emotionally disturbing, or threatening events. Any event can be traumatic, depending on how the person perceives it. The effects of trauma Trauma can have harmful effects on health, functioning, and overall well-being. The Trauma-Informed Care Implementation Resource Center website notes that exposure to…

We Need to Stop Feeling Like a Nuisance

I believe it’s common for those with chronic illness to dwell on the fact that we can feel like a burden to others. Life with a disease, especially right after diagnosis, can make us susceptible to self-condemnation and feeling like a nuisance. Because we suddenly have more needs than we…

Traveling With MG for the First Time

Going on road trips is one of my passions. I love it because it is better for the environment than flying, and traveling in a car allows for a healthy mix of adventure and never knowing what you might come upon. Life is short, but road trips were how I…

Fall Brings a Welcome Break From Heat Exhaustion

On my side of the world, we are beginning to see temperatures drop. I’ve never been a big fan of summer. I don’t enjoy sweating, and I like mosquitoes even less. For someone like me, who lives with myasthenia gravis (MG), summer also means heat exhaustion. So, I’ve…

3 Months After Surgery, the Healing Still Hurts

I don’t recoil at the sight of a scar left by a transsternal thymectomy — the surgical removal of my thymus gland — three months ago. I’d prefer it wasn’t there, of course, but I’m starting to embrace it. The scar reveals a little about who I am, like…

My Dogs Add Value to Life With MG and Anxiety

Around three years ago, I welcomed home an Italian greyhound puppy named Pablo. He changed my life for the better. Now, my boyfriend, Tom, and I have adopted another 1-year-old Italian greyhound. Blitz with a goofy grin. (Photo by Retha de Wet) His name is Blitz, which means…