Following Stem Cell Transplant, I’m Living My Best Life

When I underwent a stem cell transplant at the beginning of the year, I was given a 40 percent chance of survival — not just for the procedure to work, but for me to live through it and the recovery. I am still in that “recovery stage,” but I am here. I am alive. And I am living.
I realized with a shock just how sick I was prior to my transplant. For me, it was simply my “normal.” I was used to having to walk with a cane, especially long distances. I was used to having to ask my husband to dry my hair for me or to help me get out of the bath. I was used to being unable to eat meat. And if I did, it would mean choking, so I always had to ensure that someone was close by should things go downhill quickly.
I was used to having my doctor’s private number on speed dial, and I was used to walking into the ICU where nurses greeted me by name. I was used to slurring my way through conversations and often drooling a puddle on my pillow during the night.
I was used to being unable to carry groceries because my hands would collapse. I was used to having a nap on our friends’ bed whenever we went for a visit. The constant exhaustion meant that I actually had no idea what it was like to have an ounce of energy, and every movement or task depleted this even further.
But now I feel like I have been given a second chance. I am so appreciative of my health and my life, and I am trying to make a positive impact on the world around me. I help people whenever I can. I take the time to sit and talk to people. I offer encouragement and advice when it is asked for.
I laugh until my cheeks are numb, and I play hide-and-seek with my friends’ children. I take my dogs for walks, and I spend time talking about our future with my husband. I have realized that we now have a future! And that he is so much more than a caregiver. We are learning new roles in our relationship, as I have always been sick. We have never known what it is like to be a normal couple worrying about “normal” things.
Choosing to go through with stem cell transplant was one of the scariest decisions of my life. We didn’t know if I would make it out alive. But how could I not grab the opportunity? Would I forever be looking back and wondering what if?
Now, I am ALIVE. I am grabbing life with both hands. Every day is a gift. Treasure it.
Myasthenia Gravis News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
Nancy Plaza
Please give me info on where to get stem cells my son is 23 just had a second crisis was intubated 8 days