Forum Replies Created

  • Stephen D. Turner

    June 25, 2023 at 11:14 pm in reply to: Summer Heat & MG

    I live in Southwest Louisiana and the summers here are hot and humid. I am forced to stay inside in the air conditioning most of the time. When I must go outside for a short period of time I wear a bandana around my neck that has been dipped in cold water. For longer periods of time I wear a cooling vest (ice packs placed inside a mesh interior).  In order to work in my shop for 30 minutes to an hour, I use fans that blow directly on me and also an evaporating water cooler (slang term for this is a “swamp cooler). When I come back inside, I immediately place an ice pack on my throat to ease the congestion that has built up.


  • Stephen D. Turner

    January 4, 2023 at 4:10 am in reply to: Chemical exposures and MG

    I was assigned to the DMZ between North and South Korea in 1970-1971. I was with the Second Infantry Division. Had it not been for an article in the Second Infantry (Indianhead) Division Association Newsletter, I would not have known that Agent Orange was used a a defoliant in the DMZ in this time period.  I was diagnosed with Generalized MG about 4 years ago.  I have not (yet) filed for a VA disability. Thanks to all of you who have posted information about Agent Orange/chemical exposures in military service and/or your experiences related to disability claims filed with the VA related to those exposures.

  • Stephen D. Turner

    February 2, 2024 at 4:08 pm in reply to: Any Tips for managing diarrhea from Pyridostigmine

    My doctor prescribed cholestyramine which is in powder form. Take 2 doses each day. Worked like a charm to control my diarrhea. Also has other beneficial effects. Not cheap. But works well for me. I am taking Prednisone, Mestinon, and 2 other meds which have diarrhea as a side effect.