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  • Misdiagnoses: A Journey of Its Own

    Posted by Jodi Enders on June 3, 2021 at 6:00 am

    Unlike medical gaslighting, sometimes misdiagnosis of other diseases and health complications are unavoidable in the process of a correct MG diagnosis and needed treatment.

    Medical professionals are statistically more inclined to suspect a more common health occurrence as the source versus a rare disease. For medical professionals to imagine rare diseases as the source of their patient’s complaints, multiple symptoms often need to be present. Doctors can then more easily eliminate common causes such as generalized fatigue or stress-related.

    Some MG patients experience a correct diagnosis during their first MG crisis or emergency flare. However, many first undergo a long journey of tests and misdiagnoses.

    Blood tests had led professionals to misdiagnose me with Lyme disease and Lupus before treatment for Lupus provoked my first MG flare. I was experiencing all common MG symptoms except breathing issues, and I received an MG diagnosis 24 hours following arriving at the emergency room.

    Did you receive any misdiagnoses before MG? Or did you receive correct diagnoses but additionally had MG that was left to be detected?

    Charles Karcher replied 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Amanda Raines

    February 9, 2022 at 2:47 pm

    I was misdiagnosed in the ER with asthma!! Very upsetting. Inhalers don’t help when weak diaphragm is the issue, smh.

  • Charles Karcher

    February 9, 2022 at 9:01 pm

    My first symptom was double-vision.  My optometrist referred me to an ophthalmologist who diagnosed me with 4th Nerve Palsy.  It was only after I went to the ermergency room with swallowing issues and slurred speech was I diagnosed with gMG.  Fortunately that first trip was all it took.

  • Amy Cessina

    February 10, 2022 at 2:59 pm

    I’m very curious why the doctors suspected lymes and lupus. Was it a droopy eye?
    My issue  now is everything is blamed on MG and they don’t look beyond that. Kind of a double edge sword we deal with.

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