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  • Light Sensitivity Causes and MG

    Posted by Jodi Enders on August 23, 2022 at 1:30 pm

    Eye weakness is often experienced, at least once, by those living with myasthenia gravis. Commonly double vision is the first symptom of MG that one will present. Sometimes, people have the ocular type of MG in which symptoms won’t advance past the eyes unless the disease progresses. 


    The hindered communication between the nerves and eye muscles is not always the only reason for light-sensitive problems. MG may cause double vision and drooping eyes. However, certain antibiotics and drugs can contribute to added light sensitivity.


    Additionally, those living with MG frequently report that fatigue and stress contribute to worsened light sensitiveness. Mine worsens when I am around a lot of reflected bright light, such as on a beach where the white sand becomes blinding. 


    Have you encountered the difference between double vision and becoming sensitive to bright lights? What do you think were possible factors in your circumstance? To what degree does light sensitivity restrain your activities?

    Robert Ballentine replied 1 year, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Richard Dollarhide

    September 6, 2022 at 5:27 pm

    Light from bright sunlight causes watering of eyes and unfortunately live in geographic area of constant bright sunlight. Need to wear “old man” plastic extreme dark glasses even to take out trash. Painful to eyes.

  • Robert Ballentine

    September 7, 2022 at 8:24 pm

    I’ve had MG for 10 years, with it being ocular for the first 2 years, then advancing to generalized as well. I experienced the extreme sensitivity to light during the first 4-5 years, then it has gradually diminished to where it’s only slightly noticeable now. That diminished affect coincides with the other symptoms diminishing as well. I still notice all of the ocular & general symptoms, but they are much less then my experiences in the first 4-5 years. My neurologist says I am in clinical remission, which I am very grateful for. Over the years I have taken Mestinon, Cellcept, and Prednisone. I continue to take Mestinon 4x daily.

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