Myasthenia Gravis News Forums Forums Healthcare and Treatments Have you had onset Myasthenia gravis or triggered/worsened symptoms that occur after having pneumonia?

  • Marlene Laird

    April 17, 2024 at 3:16 pm

    I believe I had mostly ocular MG for many years, but did not realize what it was. I began having gMG symptoms around 1995 but they were mild. Then in 2001 I got pneumonia pretty bad. It was starting then that the symptoms increased dramatically. I saw a primary care doctor for it, and when he finally referred me to a specialist, that doctor told me he would have had me in the hospital if I had been sent sooner. I had so much trouble breathing that I do not know if it was from the pneumonia, from gMG, or both. When I finally got over the pneumonia, symptoms leveled off, and I was diagnosed and treated for gMG in 2007. I take only Mestinon, 60 mg every 3 hours while awake. I do fairly well, but I’m quite limited in what I can do in a day and I have to pace myself all the time.

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