• Fosamax issues anyone?

    Posted by Frank on April 18, 2024 at 9:14 am

    Well, my prednisone, age, and sedentary lifestyle have moved me into osteopenia and my PCP moving me to osteoporosis medication. I did two once-a-week doses of Fosamax and within a couple hours of each my gastritis was triggered horribly and I had two days of misery. so, I’ve stopped taking it.

    Before Fosamax, I’d weaned down to 1mg of prednisone a day. But double vision, a droopy right eye, and increased fatigue moved me up to 2mg and then 3mg of pred. And my Mestanon went from 60mg every 4 hours to 90 every four hours. After 6 weeks of this, I consulted my neurologist and we upped over 2 weeks to 40mg a day and Mestanon to 120mg every 4 hours. There have been no good changes from this. Now I have slurring in my speech several times a day and I am tiring much quicker.

    My neuro says my MG must be getting worse so we are doubling my mycophenolate over two weeks, but that won’t kick in for 6 months, and getting ready to start Vygart.

    I researched Fosamax before we started it, and there was no indication it was a problem for MG, so I’m thinking it’s not the drug as much as it was the side-effects of the drug that did me in.

    As anyone else had problems with Fosamax OR with a “safe drug” they reacted to and flared because of the reaction? thank you for being such a supportive community. It’s a blessing to have you available.

    Love and Light,


    paul spychalski replied 6 months, 2 weeks ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Jenny

    April 19, 2024 at 2:11 pm

    Fosamax has magnesium in it. I found that out after I took it for 1 month. It made me so weak that I didn’t get off the couch for the day. I am now on the Reclast infusion once a year and doing well. It doesn’t have any impact on my MG. Huge plus is it has reversed my osteopenia completely. Talk to your doctor about your side effects and see what they have to say.

  • Bambilin

    April 19, 2024 at 2:27 pm

    Actually, fosamax says to avoid magnesium when taking it because it reduces absorption.

  • MikeS

    April 19, 2024 at 2:45 pm

    I started on Fosamax a couple of months ago when I got my first osteopenia diagnosis (via DEXA Scan). I absolutely attribute it (osteopenia) to Prednisone, which I’ve been on for almost three years now. I’ve been cycling up and down (40 MG <–> 10 mg) in conjunction with the periods of flare-ups and remissions. To answer your question, I’ve had no noticeable side effects from Fosamax, and this is the first prescription drug I’ve ever taken with that result. Most of the other prescription drugs that have given me enhanced MG symptoms were listed on the MG precautionary drug list (https://nebula.wsimg.com/903ebe2c701eb4e72e3211dc9fb9064e?AccessKeyId=7F50FBE19A111D19DDAC&disposition=0&alloworigin=1). I’m sorry that your MG has become more difficult to control, and hope you get it figured out soon.

    Mike S.

  • Wayne Eisen

    April 19, 2024 at 3:59 pm

    Reverse bone density issues by taking a great deal of collagen despite the prednisone!

  • paul spychalski

    April 27, 2024 at 12:23 pm

    I take Pyridostigmine 60mg 3x a day and have Bloating, gas and Diarrhea, hate it. the only thing that helps is Pepto Bismol. Good luck.

  • paul spychalski

    April 27, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Does collagen help or does it effect Pyrositgmine??

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