• stevesr

    February 11, 2025 at 4:46 pm

    I deal with chronic pain syndrome resulting from some severe military related injuries. I am currently participating in a pain management program through the VA. So no recreational drugs, gummies etc due to the compliance at a Federal Level. I have been in the program for over 25 years. I am also in constant AFib. This was discovered about 3 months ago when I had an MG event that landed me in the ICU for 4 days. So I manage my pain issues, my heart issues and my MG issues. Oh Happy Days!!

  • Leigh

    February 25, 2025 at 11:11 am

    I was diagnosed with cancer I the last year. There was definitely a focus to make MG a priority in regards to surgery and treatment. Treatment is being held as they don’t feel I would tolerate it well with MG. I don’t know if that is good or bad but just going with it for now. Other than the ER, I have always felt that my doctors have put MG into consideration in all aspects of my other diagnosis’

  • Evelyne Laurin

    February 25, 2025 at 2:51 pm

    I have a pacemaker since 2008 . MG was diagnosed in 2002. I live with arthritis since 1980. I exercise every day and opted for physical therapy instead of surgery when I had severe arthritic pain in the 1980. In 2002 when I was diagnosed there was a physician with MG in the support group who recommended consulting with a dietitian to control the weight problem that Prednisone will cause. He also recommended exercise which had been part of my life. I have reflux problem, nerves problems which cause pain and scratching in my legs, eyes problems (outside of myasthenia). All my organs who rely on muscles have dropped down. I had speech therapy for swallowing and coughing problems. I used a machine to strenghten my throat muscles: EMST recommended by the speech therapist. I have osteoporosis, etc. etc. My recent blood test (Jan. 2025) is abnormal, not spoken yet with the neurologist on that.

    But I am still around. Actually my first symptoms: double vision (1972)which lasted 1 week were considered due to fatigue since I had just moved to Michigan with 2 children under 3. The symptoms were gone after a week. But in 2002 I had double vision for over a month and no specialist could diagnose me until I saw a neuro ophtalmologist who ordered a blood test and discovered the myasthenia. I was put on 60 mg on Prednisone by the neurologist, dont remember for how long. That is my story with myasthenia. I do 30 minutes of biking ( Nustep) 5 times/week, try to walk outside, weather permitting: 20-30 minutes, do stretching in bed before leaving the bed. I forgot that 2021 I felt and lost my balance ever since and use a walker. All the physical therapists in the hospital I go to know me. Finally I had Covid in Jan. 2024 , but the symptoms of myasthenia took over and was treated for myasthenia in acute care for 6 days.

    I have a spiritual life. Other people have worst conditions than I do. I am thankful for where I am but at 6 PM I look for my bed because I feel very tired. I feel good when in bed.

  • Art

    February 25, 2025 at 3:44 pm

    MG diagnosed in 2017. I was diagnosed with Congestive Heat Failure 2024.

  • funjohnny

    February 25, 2025 at 6:42 pm

    Pernicious Anemia….diagnosed around 2000

  • Charles Karcher

    February 25, 2025 at 6:45 pm

    Hypothyroidism, Acid Reflux, high cholestoral

  • richie

    February 25, 2025 at 7:32 pm

    Hope you all are sitting but here it goes: High Blood Pressure for many years and was recently weaned off Metoprolol as the Cardiologist said it may interfere with symptoms. I was weaned off it slowly.

    I have Vitiligo which I have had for over 40 years ( and passed it on to my daughter).

    Scoliosis of the spine/ arthritis of the spine. Low back pain for which Physical Therapy was completed. Practice at home. I have had 6 injections of the spine to see if that helped with the pain but it did not. Pain Management prescribed Chorzoxazone 500 MG taken 2x a day. Tylenol 500 mg 2x a day. So pain in general is an every day occurrence. I was diagnosed with this condition in February of 2024 because of blurry vision. Neurologist says at at this point I don’t have other symptoms related to gMG so for now it is apparently oMG. No dropey eyelids, can speak, swallow, and can breath. Just what I need at 75. Thanks

  • Robert V Titman

    February 28, 2025 at 2:14 pm

    Type II Diabetes

    Necrotizing Sarcoid Granulomatosis

  • Jo-Ann

    February 28, 2025 at 4:30 pm

    I have Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Sarcoidosis along with MG. Diagnosed with Lupus, RA and Sarcoidosis 30 years ago and MG in 2021.

  • Kevin Hillock

    March 1, 2025 at 5:55 am

    I recently have been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. I have read that the development of this disease might be attributed to MG.

  • Mama

    March 1, 2025 at 10:32 am

    I was just diagnosed with a thyroid issue. My primary care doctor is not sure if it is related to MG or a genetic issue because my mom and her twin sister had a severe thyroid condition. I will be tested again in six months.

  • S. R. Prasil

    March 1, 2025 at 12:40 pm

    Yes, I have other health issues, but MG drives ALL of my decisions. Will a med make symptoms worse? Have studies been done on the impact a supplement may have on symptoms? Are there places for me to easily sit and rest awhile at an event or activity? Are stressful topics of conversation likely to come up that I will not be able to steer away or is there a way that I can remove myself from that area for awhile if needed? If I go alone somewhere, can I get home or to a safe place if symptoms go nuts? You get the idea…

    However, rather than thinking of it as MG controlling my life, I consider these things to be me taking control, in order to live my life the best that I can

  • paul spychalski

    March 8, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    YES! Neuropothy w/ gMG from AO.

  • apar

    March 18, 2025 at 3:00 pm

    Yes. At age 73 I have degenerative joint disease from osteoarthritis that’s managed fairly well. I also have high blood pressure that was exacerbated about the time my husband died, which was also the time period when I began having double vision which was diagnosed as MG. My MG symptoms of fatigue and weakness have become worse recently and my blood pressure is also often too high. Mestinon helps some but I can’t take a very large and dosage because of intestinal reaction. My concern is that I read that beta blockers aren’t good with MG. I had been in atenolol for many years and my GP tried to take me off but the reaction was horrible, with palpitations, racing heart and panic attacks. After changing things around I am on propanolol which is an extended release beta blocker along with two other BP meds. My fatigue and weakness is much worse. My GP doesn’t seem too concerned about the MG and the neurologist doesn’t seem concerned about the BP. I wonder if anyone has experience treating high BP along with MG that has been successful? I realize that acceptance is important, but I would like to help myself as much as I can for as long as I can.

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