Retha De Wet: Responding to ridiculous myasthenia gravis port-a-cath questions
Retha De Wet, who lives in Germany, was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis in 2013. She shares about strange questions she’s gotten regarding her port-a-cath.
So I’ve gotten some ridiculous questions about my port-a-cath.
People have literally asked me if I can, like, squirt out blood from my port-a-cath, which is under my skin, without just, like, even really allowing me the chance to just or the opportunity to just explain what it is and why I have it.
Also some people have made some comments about, “Yeah, I’m not afraid of needles.” Nor am I. I didn’t get it because I’m afraid of needles. I got it because my veins don’t work. Like, there was too many medications. I don’t mind needles. I still get a needle.
Just general patience and just listening to what I’m saying, or just asking, “What is that? Why do you have that?” And not making assumptions pretty much works for any assistive device.