• Weigth Loss Drugs (Wegovy) and MG

    Posted by Buckeye on September 26, 2024 at 8:35 am

    Always struggled with my weight even though extremely active and ate healthy. Then lost 45 lbs in a year and doing great (had diverticulitis which took away my appetite) and active as hell. All of a sudden, diagnosed with MG and then on Prednisone. Weight all came back. Plus also diagnosed with RA Ankylosis Spondylitis

    3 years in now still have extreme muscle leg weakness, heat sensitivity, some intermittent double vision (two angled planes if I look up). Many days unable to be on my feet long enough to fix a meal. Can’t walk any distance. Pool exercise twice a week and have a recumbent bike I do so…but basically that’s all the physical activity I can do, hard as I try.

    On Cellcept, Vyvgart, Prednisone 13mg (very slowly tapering), and Cosentyx

    Wondering if anyone with MG and/or on these meds have tried the Wegovy weight loss drug. My insurance will cover (thought still expensive @ 150/mo). My PCP says worth a try. Rhumatologist is okay and neurologist okay.

    Hate to add yet another drug. But feel if can get weight off may help my fatigue and desperate to improve. Thoughts? Side effects?

    Patricia Lyons replied 5 months, 1 week ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Becky

    September 27, 2024 at 2:24 pm

    I have been taking Ozempic for 3 months. I have lost 20 lbs. No side effects and no negative impact on MG. Important to exercise to maintain muscle mass. It has been a game charger. I have struggled to lose weight for years. Finally seeing results!

    • paul spychalski

      September 28, 2024 at 1:00 pm

      Lost 60lbs in one year. Only taking 60mg Pyrid., no strength, double vision, balance, dizzness, memory loss, and Polyneuropothy. What can help?

  • Mark Cox

    September 27, 2024 at 2:29 pm

    I’m ozempic as well with no side effects at this time. Lost 35 lbs in 4 months. Weight loss is a game changer as to how I move and feel much better. I am still on Vycart infusions for my MG.

    Hope that helps..

  • Patricia Lyons

    September 30, 2024 at 1:18 am

    Hello all….

    I have been nurse for 50 years and a large woman all of that time. I’m all too familiar with the negative consequences of weight loss attempts. The big problem with weight loss drugs is that you have to take them forever—if you stop, all the weight comes right back. Plus, because they are so new, there is no long term safety research. I know people stress about being at a higher weight because the world wants us all to be thin. Bigger people face abuse every where, including in the medical office and even from family and friends. Those who say they only care about our health may think we should lose weight whatever it takes. But focusing on weight loss is often the problem not the solution because permanent weight loss is extremely difficult to attain. People blame themselves and can become depressed at repeated failure to attain this goal. That is not a formula for improving health.

    I’d like to suggest a different focus. Being active and eating well are very important behaviors to maintain to improve health independent of any weight change. I’ve seen lots of people give up these healthy habits when they don’t lose weight. Thus, I believe it is also critical to learn body acceptance and to refuse to accept any shame or blame that’s laid on us by a fat biased world. Not easy, I know. But people of f all sizes deserve respect and self love. We already struggle with accepting MG and making peace with that. Let’s not add stressing about weight to our burden. My wishes for best health for all of us.


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