Flare up (?) of MG or something else?
I was diagnosed with MG 09/2021. I strongly believe triggered by vaccine and the whole experience was super frustrating before I was finally able to figure out what I had myself and asked for supporting tests to validate.
Symptoms very well controlled with Pyridostigmine, Prednisone and Cellcept. I personally think the Prednisone is doing most, if not all, the work in suppressing. Doc trying to wean but once I get below 15MG a day I can tell (mostly in eyes) that I can’t go lower.
All that as background, for the first time since getting this under control we’ll over a year ago, my voice started going on me this week. This was by far my most obvious symptom originally, unable to talk in a way anyone could understand me. It’s not all that bad, yet, just nasally, but super depressing (about to start a new job, being able to talk is nice)…hoping it doesn’t continue to get worse. I do have a call into neurologist; I’m sure she’ll see me, despite a 3 month backup.
So, here’s my question to those who’ve been dealing with MG for a longer time. I guess I got over confident, but is this return of symptoms common? Even on all the meds? Should I expect “flare ups” like this? I’m trying to take is stride and not freak out, I was a basket case when no one knew what was going on and before it got controlled.
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