• Myasthenia Gravis’ Impact on Marriage/Relationships

    Posted by Jodi Enders on December 7, 2022 at 12:59 pm

    It can be difficult enough to be compassionate with ourselves due to Myasthenia gravis. It is a very stressful rollercoaster. 


    Have a partner? That means double the stress! You may feel they don’t always understand what it is like for you, but they stress differently. And a lifelong illness is draining for everyone involved. 


    If your partner also serves as your caregiver, you will really relate to Shawna Barnes’ column (https://myastheniagravisnews.com/columns/being-caregiver-is-hard-different-men-husband-says/)! The column shares the perspective and thoughts of her husband and caregiver and the challenges and struggles they endure caring for someone who they love so deeply. The pressure MG has on everyone is a challenge. 


    People in married and long-term relationships: How has Myasthenia gravis impacted your relationship?


    What are things you have found work to help alleviate tension in your home and interactions?

    George Kesterson replied 1 year, 10 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Keith R Anderson

    December 7, 2022 at 8:57 pm

    My wife is an angel. Luckily I haven’t had a real bad case but she still makes the bed and cooks the food.
    I have another condition that bothers me more than the MG. The C4 and C5 discs are a little out of line and the subsequent pinching causes not only pain in my neck but also tightness in my diaphragm due to the phrenic nerve which is connected to the C4and C5. I will get shots in the neck to see if that gives me relief.

  • Dave Hall

    December 7, 2022 at 11:34 pm

    Since I cannot do a lot of the physical chores I used to do, I now do the vacuuming,  dishes, laundry, and any other house chore I can do.  My wife takes care of most of the outside chores.  Not my retirement dream, but we are still .

  • Paul Lull

    December 8, 2022 at 11:31 am

    I have had to deal with Ocular MG on three different occasions. I do everything that I did before except those tasks that would put me or others in unsafe situations. My wife has been great about taking over the driving and doing the things that need to be done that I cannot do safely. That said the hardest thing for me personally was asking for help. Independance is something we take for granted until we don’t have it. Until I swallowed my pride and asked for help there was some friction between us.

  • Yasamin

    April 24, 2023 at 6:25 pm

    For someone who doesn’t have any relationship, starting a new one is quite stressful.

  • George Kesterson

    April 26, 2023 at 8:26 pm

    I have been diagnosed about 10 years.  My spouse has psoriatic arthritis and in now struggling also.  She still almost of the house hold chores.  I have now recovered enough to start taking care of the outside again.  She has been wonderful in supporting me through the 4 years before and the 10 since I was diagnosed.  Wonderful partner, spouse and friend

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