The Whispered Roar – a Column by Shawna Barnes

How My Spouse and Caregiver Views Myasthenia Gravis

Can you believe we’re in the last week of November? To close out National Family Caregivers Month, I thought it might be fitting to hear from my caregiver, as I’ve written enough columns putting words in his mouth. I wanted to give him the opportunity to share his unique…

Is ‘Inconclusive’ Good or Bad? That’s Yet to Be Determined

Inconclusive: one of the most annoying, aggravating, but reassuring words to anyone with complex health issues. Why reassuring? Because at least it’s not negative. It provides some modicum of validation. Something is showing up on whatever test results have been deemed inconclusive. Why does it matter? Many of us in…

How to Decide Whether a Service Dog Is Right for You

“My pet Fido makes me feel so much better. Where can I get him a service dog vest?” You can’t. Well, you can, but unless Fido is specifically trained to perform tasks related to your disability, you shouldn’t. And I’ll tell you why. I’ve had two trained service dogs since…

I’m More Than the Labels That Come With Myasthenia Gravis

The caregiver. The parent. The big sister. The only child. The husband/wife/spouse. The honors student. The executive. The jock. The soldier. The patient. The flaky friend. The chronically ill. These are all titles and roles that society establishes for us, or we establish ourselves. We might be proud to…