Margarida Maia, PhD,  science writer—

Margarida is a biochemist (University of Porto, Portugal) with a PhD in biomedical sciences (VIB and KULeuven, Belgium). Her main interest is science communication. She is also passionate about design and the dialogue between art and science.

Articles by Margarida Maia

MG linked to lower quality of life, more use of medical care

People with myasthenia gravis (MG) experience a lower health-related quality-of-life impact, face a higher medical burden, and require more assistance from caregivers compared with the general population, according to data pulled from two international studies. MG patients also were more likely to take sick leave from work and to…

Thymectomy eases symptoms in all MG types, study finds

People with myasthenia gravis (MG) benefit from thymectomy — surgery to remove the thymus gland — regardless of whether they have early- or late-onset disease or a tumor in the thymus, a study from Germany has found. The study, “The impact of thymectomy in subgroups of Myasthenia…