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  • Robert DeBoer

    February 14, 2022 at 4:53 pm in reply to: How Long Until Diagnosis?

    Sept 11, 2001, after a flight from Boston to Chicago, and finding out about the attacks in NY and DC, and not being able to fly back, I drove back to Boston.  On the way I noticed double vision, thinking it was from driving all night.  After I got home it got worse, I went to my eye Dr, who told me to see my PCP, he set me up with a Neurologist.  Over the next 5 weeks he had test done, brain scan, blood work, then diagnosed me with MG.  Put me on Mestinon, then Prednisone, but started getting worse, tried Imuran, which I had a bad reaction to, then Cellcept, 4 IVIG treatments, after 6 months of going down hill, (Loss of speech, etc.) I woke up one morning and most of the symptoms were gone.  It takes a long time for Cellcept to kick in.  So, my diagnosis went from Ocula, to Generalized MG in six months.  Since then (20 years), I have managed my MG OK with just Cellcept, aside from general weakness, and right eye drooping, I am almost back to normal.