Forum Replies Created

  • Karinsue

    October 9, 2021 at 3:12 pm in reply to: COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot and Myasthenia Gravis

    There is no way that I will take the booster shot, and both my neurologist and my ophthalmologist agree with me. I was diagnosed with ocular mg in 2012 and I take mestinon 4x daily, and everything was under control until I had the 2 doses of the Pfizer vaccine in Feb. and March of 2021.  The vaccine effected my vision and my balance.  I have fallen many times because of my balance problem.  My neurological ophthalmologist says that my body and vision will not tolerate the booster shot and that I am smart for not wanting it.  My quality of life has diminished because of the way the vaccines effected me.   I do stay in my home the majority of the time because I am afraid to be exposed to Covid, but I did this for the year before I got the vaccine and my main problem was boredom, not poor vision and balancing. I will not play Russian Roulette by taking any more shots.

    from Karinsue Caraway