Myasthenia Gravis News Forums Forums Navigating School and Work Tips for Virtual Job Interviews/Meetings

  • Tips for Virtual Job Interviews/Meetings

    Posted by BioNews Staff on October 12, 2021 at 5:32 pm

    For the past few months, I have had numerous meetings over Zoom/Google/Webex. While it took a while to be comfortable with them, they’ve become easier to set up and navigate.

    Throughout several meetings/interviews, I’ve learned how to make myself look more presentable through a webcam. I’ve changed my background numerous times and now place my laptop on a stack of books so I’m no longer looking down at an awkward angle.

    Lighting used to be a problem for me as well. I make sure I’m facing a light source so my face is clearer. I still haven’t figured out the glare in my glasses though!

    Do you like conducting meetings/interviews virtually? Why or why not? What tips do you have for those still adjusting to them?

    FrancisW replied 3 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • FrancisW

    October 12, 2021 at 8:05 pm

    I’ve noticed that my computer glasses give off more glare on Zoom video than my uncoated glasses. I’ve also noticed that the higher the camera the better or less glare I get.

  • Amy Cessina

    October 16, 2021 at 8:05 pm

    I have Webex meetings all day long. I might feel differently than most but I’ve never done a thing to improve . I get ready like I was going to work open the computer and log into all my meetings. I don’t have an office so it’s just my room behind me with no filter .  I have noticed things about myself that I never knew though like I constantly tip my head to the left. Keep wondering if it’s MG and my mouth moves slightly off kilter .  I work for a rare disease research company so I’m not worried about how I look. (They don’t work in the MG area though)

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