Share Your Story for Rare Disease Day 2023!
As a member of the rare disease community, Bionews (this site’s parent company) invites you to join our Rare Disease Day 2023 campaign. Throughout the month of February, we will be featuring on Bionews social media accounts our community’s responses to the question “Why does rare disease awareness matter to you?” Participants can include anyone affected by a rare disease.
Your submission could be featured on our Bionews corporate LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram pages. If your submission is specific to one of the rare diseases Bionews covers on social media, your post may be featured on that social media page (Facebook or Instagram).
To participate, please email your response to [email protected], along with two pictures of yourself, and your social media accounts if you have them. Please request a release form for you to sign.
Instructions and specifications are as follows:
- 150-200 words answering the question “Why does rare disease awareness matter to you.” Please try to adhere to the word count as responses longer than 200 words may not be accepted.
- Please submit responses in a Microsoft Word attachment in your email.
- The subject of the email should be as follows: Full name – RD Awareness 2023 – the name of rare disease and your connection to it (patient, caregiver, etc.).
- Attach at least two high-quality pictures of yourself/capturing your “why” in PNG, JPEG, or JPG format. If anybody besides yourself appears in your pictures, please notate their names so we can add them to the post.
- In the text of the email, include your full name, rare disease community, Instagram handle, Facebook URL, or Linkedin URL so we can tag you if your submission is selected during the month of February.
Thank you for your willingness to help us raise awareness during the month of February!
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