Myasthenia Gravis News Forums Forums Healthcare and Treatments Qualities of a Great Neurologist

  • Qualities of a Great Neurologist

    Posted by BioNews Staff on July 23, 2021 at 8:17 pm

    I went through a few neurologists before I found one that worked for me. My current neurologist listens to me and takes me seriously. Sometimes we don’t always get lucky with our first doctor.

    What would you consider the most important qualities of a great neurologist/doctor? What do you like most about the care you receive now? What would you tell new MG patients to look for when choosing a specialist in MG?

    Thomas Lee Clark replied 2 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rick Federmann

    August 4, 2021 at 11:30 am

    I’ve been very fortunate that the two neurologists I’ve had are great people.  They are very knowledgeable about MG, take time to explain things, describe what to expect and incrementally approach treatment versus shot-gunning a broad solution. They are collaborative; our discussions are like doing a team strategy versus just giving directions.

    My ophthalmologist suggested that I may have MG and recommended that I see a neurologist. Before making an appointment, I spent a few hours researching providers.  I looked for someone who specifically listed MG in their skill set, had years of experience and had positive patient ratings. I was fortunate to be in a large urban area that had a wide variety of providers. I understand that many people may not have this option.


  • Thomas Lee Clark

    August 4, 2021 at 11:16 pm

    Neuro. I had one, luck of the draw and at OSU hospitals clinic. I consider here the best and sincerely wish everyone could have her. A little 5 ft. Syrian doctor that was great. (Dynamite comes in little packages) She was knowledgeable and thorough. She recommended, INSISTED on THE surgeon. The tensilon test was presided over by her as a reluctant doc hesitated. I am a big man and she would pull on my arms and push watching for my fatigue and she was un-phased. She started with MRI for brain tumor and carried the ball from the optho doc who sent me suspecting MG. My wife pressed her for the thymectomy rather than wait. She left OSU and moved to Children’s Hospital. My insurance would not cover her there and I never went to another neuro. When I had the pulmonary embolism she appeared and told me to do what the other docs told me to do.

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