Myasthenia Gravis News Forums Forums Mental Health and Self-Care Healing Trauma Despite MG Distraction

  • Healing Trauma Despite MG Distraction

    Posted by Jodi Enders on October 21, 2021 at 6:12 am

    In my column this week, I dive into trauma. Distraction may be a harmful coping mechanism developed to help alleviate emotional and/or physical pain people experience.

    With MG, we may feel that our trauma is in the past after our diagnosis, especially if new hardships are at the forefront of our thoughts. Initial interruptions can be temporarily effective, allowing us to survive harrowing experiences, rest, and recover. But pre-diagnosis trauma may still be a subconscious antagonist in our lives.

    While adjusting to our “new normal” with a chronic disease, it may seem impossible to find time to digest any past traumas. But it is necessary to make this time. Even if we haven’t deemed a moment significant, failing to properly process the evoked feelings can make it challenging to understand our current emotions and responses.

    What has helped you confront past facing trauma, even when you feel best letting MG distract you?

    Jodi Enders replied 3 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Thomas Lee Clark

    October 23, 2021 at 4:18 am

    Jodi, I have tried to follow your journey and I think you are remarkable. Keep us informed on your thymo. Sure hope your outcome is like mine. No symptoms but everything that comes strange halts my breath, especially my vision. Good luck to you and God bless and keep you.

    • Jodi Enders

      October 25, 2021 at 11:50 pm

      Hi Thomas! I appreciate your support, as well as your continued presence within our community. I currently do not feel any more pain from my thymectomy. Unless I do physical activity, such as sifting and shoveling fossils in a creek for a few hours. I went Saturday and have been pretty sore and stiff now for two days. I have been able to avoid the over-the-counter pain relievers tho! Still experience the same weakness, but my symptoms were pretty controlled when I had my thymectomy 4 months ago. Still hoping, in the long run, it gives me more years in remission than if I went without the surgery, but we will never know, right! Sending you the best as well, and stay healthy as we transition into winter.

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