Name | Sharon |
Nickname | Sharon |
Short Bio | 71 year old female, was diagnosed 1 year ago, ย all blood work came back negative, doctor is calling it seronegative (do not really know what that means). ย Am now taking mestinon 60 mg twice a day and then 30 mg in the evening to try to keep the leg cramps from happening as suggested by my doctor. It has helped with seeing double and sometimes have talking and chewing fatigue. Since all the test came out negative i had electrical tests on my nerves and muscles, and they concluded that I do have MG. ย Am concerned and scared about what the future may be for me. ย In the process of selling my business (Bookstore) (need to retire). ย But it is very stressful and hoping that I can hold it together and stay strong and after that is done will be able to concentrate on my health and what I need to be doing to live with an autoimmune disease and be ok….
Year of birth | 1950 |
Gender | Female |
Location | Maryland |
Relationship | Patient |
How did you hear about us? | MG Website |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had MG? | 1 year |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |