

Carol Mitchell



Short Bio

After developing double vision, I was diagnosed in 1988 with Myasthenia Gravis.ย  It was not just my vision.ย  I was very fatigued most of the time.ย  My neurologist in Austin sent me to Houston to see Neurologist Dr. Bernard Patton.ย  Two weeks later I was having a thymectomy in Houston. I did not have a thymoma, but Dr. Patton put me on IVIG (immune gamma globulin by IV). I was getting this quite often and continued for about 10 years.ย  Today, I am doing very well.ย  If I pace myself, I am great.ย  If not, I pay a price.ย  I have to rest to overcome the fatigue.ย  Stress is my enemy.ย  Sometimes I have to rest for days to overcome the fatigue from having been under stress. The thing that I hate the most, is not being able to travel without getting tired.ย  I am so thankful that I am doing as well as I am. God is good!!!

Year of birth





Cedar Park, Texas



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34 years

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