Name | Wanda |
Last Name | Jewett |
Nickname | Living |
Short Bio | I MuSK+ Myasthenia Gravis. ย My first symptoms were ocular and started in 2001. ย I tested negative at that time for Achr+ MG. ย It was generalized by 2003 when a test for MuSK became available but by then it was noted in my charts and no one ever mentioned that there was another type of MG or another test, ย more one doctor did comment that my symptoms would seem to be from MG but “you’ve been tested for that so it is ruled out”. ย Sixteen years and 3 opthamologists, a neuro-opthamologist, 5 neurologists, and several primary care doctors, later a new neurologist says, “This is MG I’m sure of it”. ย to which I said, “No that was ruled out long ago.” ย She said , “I don’t think you have had all the tests, we are going to test you for MuSK. ย Well, SHAZZAM! ย She explained that a positive result would be anything higher than 20; mine was 640. ย We tried mestinon with little success; then she referred me to Dr, Levin at Cleveland Clinic. ย When he examined me he told me that mestinon would never be successful with MuSK MG and recommended Rituxan infusions every six month for 2 years. ย I thank the lord every day for that man. ย My double vision was gone shortly after the first infusion and it just kept getting better; my neck muscles were strong again, my eyelid stopped drooping, my smile wasn’t as lopsided, I had more stamina (which is still not nearly what I would like but I am 77 years old), I do not choke any more although my jaws can get tired while eating. ย Basically I am what I guess is called minimal manifestation which means that I have minor daily symptoms. ย Some who have had Rituxan infusions reach full remission. ย I have not had an infusion now since October of 2021 and am doing fine. ย I know there is now a new drug out which is supposed to help MuSK patients and I’m grateful that an alternate is available although I would not hesitate to have Rituxan infusions again if it becomes necessary. |
Year of birth | 1947 |
Gender | Female |
Location | Ohio |
Relationship | Patient |
How did you hear about us? | MG Website |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had MG? | 23 years |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |