


Last Name



Stephen Talley

Short Bio

In 2019 I was referred by neurologist, to check out my eyes Double vision and droopy bags under eyesto DR Grant Gilliland, MD,ย ย ophthalmologist. Ask the nurse to get and ice pack, placed over my eyes and everything cleared up. Little did I know that was the simplest thing I would encounter. I got referred to UTSW and got a Thymectomy. Preparation included included Plasmapheresis the week before. Robot did not work. I join a research study and I am receiving the actual medicine now but taking cellcept, pyrisdostigm, prednisone, and other meds. I have had before 2019 neck surgery and back different years, both surgeries were successful. Knee replacement surgery was successful no problems but surgeon and anesthesiologist were aware of my mg. I get depressed and when I was younger had problems with depression and for a time was on disability SS. got better got a job with Southwestern Bell and worked there for 30 years and was forced into retirement because I could not keep up with the work physical. I had no heart problems. Only thingย  I consentinglyย  was acid reflux which is control by prevacid or lansoprazole. well I forgot one other consistent thing was restless legs treated byย  pramipexole also successfully. I have watched the 3 stories and was impressed by them but the man reflected my feelings the most. I like reading the stories about current research. I found the story on pyridostigm over 300mg causes higher reactions, I was taking 360 mg a day. We have cut back to 180mg a day and 20mg of prednisone. this seems to be working okay until todays article about facial bumps which started and don’t you hate it when did this start? I don’t know recently is not an answer how about September 11th? of course one more thing I use a cpap machine every night where ever I am at no matter what . the month after I had my thymectomy my wife had cancer surgery for Extramammary Pagets Disease at UTSW. She is fine and it was successful but she has yearly check ups for this is an aggressive cancer that likes to reappear. A not to short bio ps There have been older studies about bio acid that destroys these bad cells why in the surveys they never ask if people like me who take Prevacid that controls the production of acid in stomach and possibly liver and gall bladder? If as the study reported these acid cells destroy the bad cells that causes MG. I think that would be a true cause an effect And How many people are taking aย proton pump inhibitors to reduce acid may be producing an incurable illness?





















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diagnosis in 2019 by Grant Gilliland, MD ophthalmologist treated for other things for several years,

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