

James Mason



Short Bio

Started having the fatigue and muscle weakness in my last two years that I worked.  Decided to retire to take care of my spouse who was stage 5 Renal Failure.  In the third year of the fatigue I started developing the ocular issues with the double vision and droopy eyelid on my right eye.  My PCP recognized the symptoms of MG and sent me to an ophthalmologist for further review.  When I got to his office they kept giving me to an optometrist who only wanted to prescribe prisms in my glasses. after 3 visits with no relief.  Finally saw the medical doctor who told me they send cases like mine to Little Rock Arkansas.  The doctor there confirmed I was having issues caused by Ocular MG with the antibody test , full work up and final test using a icepack on the eye which after 15 minutes the drooping and double vision was gone for about 15 minutes until the eye and face warmed up.  They started me on generic mestinon  and prednisone which helped but was taking lrger and larger doses to keep up with the issues.  Plus the side effects were not very pleasant.  After trying to better control the sidr effects he added Azathioprine at a low dose which helped some and increased the dosage and added IVIg on a four-week schedule.  This has changed over the years to a frequency of 6 weeks which was lowered to 5 weeks and has been quite successful for me.  Now I am starting to have the symptoms again but to a much lower level we are discussing going back to 4 weeks.  It is so important to get with the proper doctors who have an understanding of MG and listen to you.

Year of birth





Flippin AR



How did you hear about us?

MG Website

How long have you or the person that you are caring for had MG?

15 years

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