


Last Name




Short Bio

I’m 75 and I have Seronegative Myasthenia Gravis which ways first medically noticed by my Sleep Apnea Neurologist who had noticed changes in my eyelids. He referred me to a colleague who specializes in MG, who confirmed diagnosis. Unfortunately there are doctors in the medical center who do not believe in Seronegative MG. I have had surgery on my eyes which was very beneficial. Previous to this people were commenting that I wasn’t smiling as I used to and it looked like I was falling asleep, closing my eyes more frequently. MG has progressed, I use an electric wheelchair when outside the house to get around and a rollator inside. I have fallen several times and broken both wrists and an elbo. I have difficulty speaking so I had to retire early 3 years ago. Weakened diaphragm means I use chest muscles to breathe. Fortunately lungs themselves are in great condition, just the mechanics aren’t. Eating is also tedious. Currently receive IVIG Treatments every 3 weeks and taking steroids and 50mg Azathioprine 3 times a day. I now have type 2 Diabetes and had Arythmiya all my life and was one of the early coronary ablation subjects. Although vaccinated and staying in Isolation I caught Covid-19 and responded to treatment well so I only spent 4 day’s in Neurological Critical Care.

Year of birth





New Orleans, Louisiana



How did you hear about us?

MG Website

How long have you or the person that you are caring for had MG?

8 plus years

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