Donna J McCauley
Name | Donna J McCauley |
Nickname | donna-j-mccauley |
Short Bio | I’ve had it 6 years, and still don’t have a drug that works except predisone. Lots of side effects from predisone. Body has side effects to everything i’ve tried or it didn’t work. Presently i just started a different IV med. Starting slow due too side effects, hopefully will be better. I am on mestiton 120mg 4 times a day.ย It does keep my neck pain down. I just can’t look down for a lengthy time ( i sew)ย I get very frustrated, d/t i was very active all my life. My doctor keeps me pretty updated, but i think i’m getting to the end of my rope for medications and iv meds. I haven’t tried vvgard , i think that will be my last step. I still have problems going down steps and walking more then 2 blocks, i get tired and SOB if i walk to far. My support group is an hour away, so with gas prices right now, it’s difficult. I’m also helping taking care of my elderly father, paper work, doctor apptmts. Yes alot of stress in my life. It’s not easy not to let it bother me. Any suggestions?
Year of birth | 04/08/1957 |
Gender | Female |
Location | mayville,wisconsin |
Relationship | Patient |
How did you hear about us? | Friend |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had MG? | 7 years, but only diagnosed for 6 years |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |