


Last Name

D England-Moore


Pamela D England-Moore

Short Bio

Diagnosed in 1987 after experiencing double vision and swallowing difficulty, initially taking Mestinon;  had Thymectomy January 1988;  symptoms did not abate.  1990, I had a Myasthenic crisis and was hospitalized for Plasma Pharesis.  Was switched to prednisone and about 2 years later was switched to Azathioprine.  It took many years to reach a therapeutic level but was mostly OK for all that time.  Occasional increase in symptoms due to stresses and bumped up my dosage until symptoms abated.  Experienced fatigue all throughout.

I played soccer for about 10 years after I was diagnosed with MG and when I finally ceased playing, it was not due to the illness.

I am now retired, still experiencing fatigue and occasional swallowing problems but otherwise am having no problems.  I did get the Pfizer 2-dose vaccine and had no side effects.





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MG Website

How long have you or the person that you are caring for had MG?

34 years

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