James McCay
Name | James |
Last Name | McCay |
Nickname | James McCay |
Short Bio | Second Generation Camp LeJeune Poisonous Water victim. Had a lawsuit until our moron Pres. Biden did Exec. Order stating you had to live on base to sue??? Father lived Camp LeJeune base for 18-months in 1953-54. It altered his DNA, and I was born with altered DNA. I had weird medical issues my entire life; all undiagnosed until 2006 age 39. Born with jaundice, severe calf muscle leg pain age 7-9, common OTC meds never worked (Benadryl, Tylenol, cold meds+++).ย Always had trouble reading more than a few paragraphs (blurry vision, glasses never helped, had 20/10 vision) , yet had HS Graduate Reading Level since 4th Grade. Always had trouble swallowing, jaw pain, involuntary neck up muscle spasms, and always ran out of breath after a couple of blocks running. Finally diagnosed with General Myasthenia Gravis in 2006 (when an XL Thymus gland was discovered accidentally by CT Scan of Thyroid) by an Adenologist (gland doctor that no longer exist in the USA). Neurologists are supposed to all know about MG, but sadly most know nothing! It’s all about money. Fast forward to 2009: Degenerative Disc Disease (herniated L5/S1 w/Annular tear, and later 4 massive neck herniations c3-c7 w/pinched nerves), Fibromyalgia diagnosed. Pain Management patient since 2003.ย No new meds of any kind worked after 2009!!!ย Was now homebound/mostly bedridden in severe widespread pain even taking 130mg of Methadone twice day since 2003 (only for pain, never took illegal drugs or even drank). In 2010, I lost my Medicaid due to severe Democrat cuts to pay for Obamacare (broken from the start and non-existant by 2019). I fought for 5-years to get my Medicaid back living onย under $12,000 a year as my only income in Soc. Sec. Disability. I couldn’t afford to eat!!! I had no family at all to help. Only child of an only child, with a deadbeat father who abandoned me with my mentally ill mother when I was 18-months old. Stupid 2016 CDC Opioid Guidelines (and DEA semi-threatening letters to all docs) made all pain doctors paranoid to prescribe needed pain meds! Plus DEMS severely lowered Medicare/Medicaid payments to docs. Md. y once great pain doctor became a total jerk seemingly overnight. He lowered ll Chronic Intractable Pain patients opioids by 20%+ (like myself) with total disregard to the non-stop excruciating pain it caused! The he switches mainly to CRYOTHERAPY losing 90% of his pain patients.ย But I was stuck with him. The FDA and US ATTRNEY GENERAL FORHEALTHCARE sid the 2016 OPIOID GUIDELINES WERE USELESS; WRITTEN BY A PSYCHOLOGIST AND FAMILY DOCTOR WITH NO DIRECT OPIOID EXPERIENCE, BUT NO ONE REMEMBERED THAT! WHAT A CROCK!ย How many chronic pain patients over age 50 commited suicide because heartless doctors just cut them off out of unjustified paranoia? Everything only got worse from there… |
Year of birth | 1967 |
Gender | Male |
Location | USA – NYC |
Relationship | Patient |
How did you hear about us? | MG Website |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had MG? | All my life, undiagnosed until 2006. |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |