MG Progress Setback
I was diagnosed with generalized MG Sep ’20. Within 3 weeks of first symptoms, I couldn’t speak, eat solid food or breath deeply. I began Pyrodistigmine, then later IVIG treatments, and in December ’20 immunesuppression Rx. I have had a slow but steady improvement to maybe 80% normalcy until one week ago. I am now experiencing a setback of symptoms of about 3 months progress. I do not know the reason for this, but am researching and searching my mind for behavioral clues, etc.
I was given a muscle relaxer by my Pri-care for back spasms and used them regularly for a month or so. I have also been active outside with golf, yardwork, etc, in the nice weather. My upbeat pace and the muscle relaxer combined is my best guess for the backward bounce. Still working on a theory so as to avoid a repeat.
I’m fighting my way back with increased Pyrodistigmine & a more relaxed schedule. ‘Gotta find my new ‘me’.
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