• I Went into remission

    Posted by robert-wright on September 25, 2024 at 9:15 pm

    I had mg for around 3 years. My right eyelid drooped. I had double vision. Could not lift my right toe toward my knee. For a while I couldn’t reach down and pull up my trousers and had to go to bibs to use the straps to pull up my trousers. I solved my diarrhea by using celtic salt; a pinch 4 times a day. In my research, I came across water and salt fasting. I learned that on the first day your body does not react much. The second day I lost my hunger. The third day my body started using the bad cells and dead cells for energy. Also starts using the fat around the muscles. On the fourth the body regenerates all new cells. At this time I could feel my body changing. My feet were moving easier. I had not been able to walk more than 60 feet but now was able to walk 1/3 of a mile. I called my infusion nurse after the 2nd of 4 infusions and told her that I was not going to continue with the rest of the infusions. I reduced my mestinon from 2 pills 3 times a day to 1 pill 3 times a day. On the fifth I only took 1 pill at noon and continued fasting. At this time I stopped all medicine and have not taken any medicine for 5 weeks and have not had any recurance of any of my symptoms. Dr. Jamnadas on u-tube under fasting will give you more facts on fasting. I give all credit to God for the wisdom to know what to look for and the direction on the research. I surely hope this will work for you. I will put my phone # on my profile if you have any question. Bob

    Ron replied 2 months ago 9 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Lou DeYenno

    September 28, 2024 at 7:10 am

    Hi Bob,

    I read your story with great interest! I would like to learn more.

    • robert-wright

      October 2, 2024 at 9:29 pm

      you may call me at 269-625-8390 I would be explain it to you .I an in Indiana ,

  • robert-wright

    October 2, 2024 at 9:32 pm

    You may call me any time .I would explain it to you, I am in Indiana –269-625-8390 bob

  • Amy Cessina

    October 4, 2024 at 5:54 pm

    Scientifically everything he said about the body is a bunch of nonsense. Basic biology class. Moderators where are you ?

    • robert-wright

      October 6, 2024 at 6:54 pm

      you ask –were are you— am here– walking 1/3 of a mile–no doble vision—I now can point my foot towards my knee. I feel so great.

  • R. Wilson

    October 4, 2024 at 6:34 pm

    Thank you, Mr. Wright for posting this! I too use fasting to control my MG symptoms, though not to the extent that you do. You are correct on how the body responds to fasting. After 18 hours of fasting, the body begins to burn damaged cells and damaged mitochondria for energy. The process is called autophagy. Search for the term on Youtube and you can view many videos by doctors on how the process works. In fact, a Japanese doctor won the 2015 or 2016 Nobel Prize for research into autophagy.

    I’m not claiming that fasting will cure everyone’s MG, but it may in many cases diminish your symptoms. Give it a try; what have you got to lose?

  • zeke

    October 5, 2024 at 2:49 pm

    Congrats on being in ” remission” – I am very jealous but extremely glad for you! Hopefully MG will be in your rear view mirror going forward on life’ s journey .

  • S. R. Prasil

    October 5, 2024 at 4:25 pm

    Thanks for sharing your experience, Bob.

    While the reporting of time table and ‘all new cells’ doesn’t quite match up to the real process, I also credit fasting with being helpful with my symptoms. Autophagy begins a clean up process of some ‘broken’ cell parts. The longest I have gone is five days. My standard fast is 48 hours with no food and only water. No supplements, no meds during this time. I’ve only done 3 since the initial one in Feb 2021. I wish I had the chutzpah to do 48 hours every week, or even every month, as it has been greatly beneficial in my case. BTW – I use the time after the fast to eat properly – clean, whole foods and supplement with a whole string of beneficial things I am not in remission, unfortunately, but my symptoms have decreased enough over 4 years that I have progressed from requiring live-in help for ADL to finally being able to do my own yard work this year. Still slow, still need many breaks-some whole days off-but no longer using wheelchair, walker, or even cane on majority of days. Slow progress, but enough to where my neuro says that he cannot make this big of a change with conventional treatment, and I only need to see him if I start getting worse. Do I believe that losing some weight has played a part? Yes. Being able to walk again, just moving!, has been helpful, too. These physical improvements have helped my mental/emotional well-being, too. Do I ultimately give God the credit? Yes, I do.

    Long post, but folks need to know that there are options with hope… at least for some of us. And it is beginning to sound like more of us are having positive experiences!

  • eliza

    October 10, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    wow. that’s amazing. I have gained 50 ibs from Prednisone and from not being able to walk far bc of the MG. I will have to work up to it, not a strength of mine, but if I thought I could heal myself I think I could muster it. Did you follow someone’s video’s on You tube? Or were you under someone’s guidance?

    • robert-wright

      October 11, 2024 at 12:43 pm

      Eliza. this is bob .let me encourage you on doing a 4 to 5 day water and salt fast. keep track of your systems.do not change any meds .you may call me if you want . —269-625-8390–

    • robert-wright

      October 15, 2024 at 7:04 pm

      I came across Dr Jamnadas on you tube .he does a lot of research. I got some info from barbra Oneil .water and salt. sorr it took me so long to reply bob

  • Sharon Haw

    October 16, 2024 at 1:46 pm

    CAUTION: It’s not that easy to regain lost function after one stops prescribed treatment. The “gravis” in MG means it is a serious disease and the development of treatments has only made it more tolerable. My neurologist cautioned me strongly that going off medication may seem great at first as it may take time for deteriorating symptoms to show up and it is not so easy to regain stability once it is lost. After 3 years being symptom free while on Cellcept, my neurologist supported me in stopping medication after I had been symptom free for 3 years on Cellcept. I wanted to see if I was in true remission BUT he said I must monitor daily for the return of symptoms and immediately restart meds if any symptom showed up. 2 months later, the first symptom appeared – I couldn’t open a twist top bottle. Even though I immediately started meds again, it’s now been 2 years and I still haven’t fully returned to being symptom free. Various symptoms surface off and on.

    <font face=”inherit”>As to </font>Robert-wright’s<font face=”inherit”> situation, it sounds like the 2 infusions were done around the time of taking the salts. Anecdotal evidence should be taken with a grain of salt and one person’s early success doesn’t necessary translate to others.</font>

    • Ron

      October 16, 2024 at 7:01 pm

      Hi Sharon,

      I told my wife, Karen, what you’ve said here because she has MG and she stopped both Cellcept and IVIGs simultaniously. After about 5 months, her MG symptoms returned and she had to then start back on both treatments. But because the Cellcept takes quite a while to become effective , she then had to have 3 IVIG treatments over 9 weeks before her symptoms stopped. Recently, she’s decided she’s now going to just stop the IVIG very soon and stay on the Cellcept ( 2 pills twice daily) and see if her symptoms don’t return. If they do, she’ll restart the IVIG ( she had been doing that beginning every 3 weeks and then increasing to every 8 weeks.) If anyone else has had my wife’s experience or yours, it would be really helpful to hear from them. Good luck and thanks for sharing.



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